We are committed towards the strength and development of the SG-SSTA. Being a dynamic and effective program it identifies the risks, environmental factors, controls and measurements of intervention with promotion of health in mind.
The goal of this program is to prevent the occurrence of accidents in the work space as well as work related diseases, thereby avoiding socio-environmental impacts and harm on the property.
We focus on the care for the environment, oriented toward sustainable development; promoting the rational use of energy, hydric resources, integrated management of residuals, and making the most of each. In our line of duty the major risks are from Biological: viruses, bacteria, fungus, stings, bites and includes Covid-19; Physical: loud noises, lighting-electrical, traffic accidents, mechanical ; Chemical: sprays, paints, ingestion and sensitive contact; and Natural Events: seismic, flooding, storm events.
Therefore we guarantee the necessary resources to intervene in the above circumstances in order to uphold the security of the workplace, health of the employees, and overall environment. This applies to all the work centers and to all the workers, independent of their interests and manner of contract. The following is explicitly written in the Continual Improvement section of the SGSSTA, thus providing completion to the legal norms.
We incentivize with the formation and training of a work team in the SG-SST and Environment with the ends of realizing operations in a culture of prevention and auto-care by the collaborators.
TECNIAMBIENTE S.A.S. participates in following and elaborating the activities of social responsibility with the groups of interest, executed in its own way for the clients and/or counteractants, where it promotes environmental and social balance within the company.